Friday, August 29, 2008

McCain has my vote and here's why

I am pretty much a one-issue voter in many ways.  So, I wanted to share this with those of you who cherish life and desire to fight for the unborn.  I strongly recommend checking out the National Right to Life site.  

NRTL's site has as a voting record chart for McCain and Obama's (who is a baby killer...seriously...he is a sick, sick man who apparently approves of and votes to NOT protect babies who have survived an abortion and need medical treatment to survive - see Born-Alive Infants Protection Act).  Obama also would like to see YOUR taxpayer dollars fund abortions and would happily see partial birth abortions legalized again and has a 100% Pro-Choice track record.  To see how sick and Nazi-ish/Holocaust-ish a partial birth abortion is, follow the link.  Obama actually mislead/lied about his voting on some abortion issues when interviewed at Saddleback church in California and his campaign then came out and admitted it, etc.  Listen here.

Don't let peripheral issues cloud your judgement (education, price of oil, etc) as you prepare to vote.  There are few things in life that REALLY matter.  I'm not saying that McCain is the answer for our nation, Christ is the answer, but this issue is important and worthy of your time and attention.


5 Cougs said...

After comparing the two candidates for over 3 hours now, I am feeling a little more confident in McCain, even though I was definatly NOT an Obama supporter. You really have a fire under you tushy and I applaud you!

Everyone grab some kleenex if you head to the NRFL website~ or grab something to puke in if you have a weak stomach!
Thanks for your thoughts, Christi!

Anonymous said...

Wife.... I couldn't agree more. Who gives a rip about Health Care, Education, etc... BABIES ARE BEING MURDERED to the tune of 40 million since Roe V Wade. Show me any war that has created even half the casualties. It's time to declare war on those who declare war on the unborn.

Anonymous said...

YES, YES, YES! Thank you for your straight forward, honest post. Sam and I were just talking last night about how sick Obama is in oposing the partial birth abortion protection act you mentioned. It sheds a ton of light on the core of a person when you see how little they value life. And, with Palin at McCain's will be that much more comforting to vote for him, (I'm sure you're aware that she gave birth to a Down's Syndrome baby in April...and they knew BEFORE he was born that he'd have it. How's that for valuing life?).

Anonymous said...

I wholeheartedly agree. I will add that even if you pay attention to the other issues (which do not matter until we've protected the rights of the helpless), McCain and Palin are right and have experience to back it. Obama has no experience. A mere 143 days served in the Senate.


The Chargualaf Family said...

Wow,Christy... Very well said (your final paragraph). I appreciated your brief yet informative post, and your point was well made.

Personally, I cringe at the thought of Obama becoming the leader of our nation, for the reasons you mentioned, and more. But you are right---Christ ultimately is the answer, and not a politician. While we have a great privilege and responsibility to vote for our leaders, it is good to remember, and take comfort in, the fact that "...wisdom and power are His (God's). He changes times and seasons, He sets up kings and deposes them..." Daniel 2:20-21.

No matter what the results of the election, we can rest in God who works all things for His glory.

The Urwin's said...

Very awesome, Christi! I'm so proud that you are not afraid to voice your opinion. The thought of partial birth abortion literally makes me sick to my stomach. I think we should be applauding Sarah Palin's daughter for keeping her baby and not aborting him/her!!!

HMPhillips said...

Jill is right, grab something to throw up in if you go to this site. It's so, so hard for me to believe that anyone could possibly consider a partial birth abortion to be OK. What's even more amazing is if it was a dog, or something to do with the trees in Brazil, these same people would be up in arms over the injustices in the world. I am really sickend by this. Thanks, for the info. I'm also going to throw it up on my blog. The more people that see it, the better!