Saturday, October 8, 2011

Cora Jane

Our baby girl, Cora Jane, was born last Tuesday morning and came into this amazing world safely and beautifully! Praise God, I went into labor 1 week before my scheduled c-section date, so we headed to the hospital in the middle of the night (thank you Julie for coming over to watch our kids at 2am!!!) and she was born at 4:53am via c-section delivery weighing in at 8lb 3oz.

We've been home since Thursday night and she is doing great! Our kids are adjusting well and we are so thankful to have my mom here to help us, she drove over on Tuesday and the kids have been enjoying some precious time with Farm Grandma.

Our wonderful Daddy and Cora in the hospital

Big brother with TWO little sisters!

She does a lot of praying...

Big Sister Evie. She is precious with Cora.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Girls Shirt Dress

Recently, I checked out the book, Martha Stewart Encyclopedia of Sewing and Fabric Crafts from the library. It's been such a fun book to get ideas from! One of the easy projects that I knew I could pull of quickly before our baby arrives next week was the Girls Shirt Dress, for Evie. Sadly, I just donated about 10 old dress shirts of Jared's to Goodwill and was forced to go buy one. Ya win some ya loose some. All in all the project cost me $6.91 for the shirt and sewing notions (double fold bias tape and thread), not bad for a fun project and a cute dress for my sweetie!

So, this morning I decided I wanted to get this made, and here is the final product. It took me about 45 minutes from start to finish, so it's a quick, easy project. If you hubby has some spare shirts that need to be retired this is the project for you! I will say, I think the pattern template is prefect for size 4-6, anything much bigger and you need to modify the pattern.