Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Christmas Recap & Ping Pong Champion

I haven't blogged for an age, so I thought I'd do a quick Christmas recap.

It all started on a Monday morning on a 20 mile stretch of road in eastern Oregon that had been packed with snow and ice and then shellacked with a slick veneer and then glazed with a slimy gel that made for spooky driving. At 10-15 miles per hour every vehicle on the road was sliding around including huge semis and minivans like us. There was no exits on this stretch of road and you didn't dare pull over because you would have gotten hit in about 2 minutes.

Once we made it out alive, we proceeded on to my parents house in Idaho and had a blast! Here are a couple pictures from our time

Farming with Grandpa

Girl cousins

The best car track I think I've ever seen! Great gift Grandpa & Grandma!

The Annual Ankeny Family Ping Pong Tourney

I've competed, recruited and trained for years without a victory, but I finally brought home the title this year! My cousin Tami was a fierce competitor, but in the end I prevailed,
with a little help from the net.