Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Daily Deal

Ok, I haven't posted any deals lately because they are getting so common place that I don't get excited about free stuff the way I once did...but this was a special Walgreens trip I just had to post!! We are gearing up for camping this weekend with my mom and dad and I was excited about the camping stuff I scored (smore's, licorice and lemonade) can we say sugar high for my kids who don't get much sugar!?!?

Subtotal - $28.89
Coupons redeemed - $20.40
Out of pocket after coupons - $8.49

Wait...there's more!! I walked away with the following:
- One FREE MOVIE TICKET ($10.75 value at our theatre)
- $3 in register rewards (like a gift card to Walgreens)

S0, essentially I got paid $5.26 for shopping tonight.

And, yes, my name is Christi and I'm a coupon addict.

Friday, June 25, 2010

this moment

Got this idea from a blog I read...SouleMama.com

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see.

Hello Hydranga and Misc Happenings

It has been a busy week for our family and it's looking like a busy week again next week with VBS at our church the kids will attend and I'm helping with. I admit, it's fun to have busy weeks after some lonely weeks in a new place, so it's a welcome change in our schedule!

We've hit the strawberry fields a few times and got a couple fun pictures on yesterdays trip. The berries are bursting right now and yesterday was a clear day that we got to enjoy Mt. Hood in the background in serious snow capped beauty!! It was terrific scenery to be out in.

I had to post this picture of our hydrangea in our backyard. They are amazing right now! I had Leyton stand beside it to show how tall they are! These are without a doubt my favorite flowers.

We also got to spend time with some friends who were in town for a few days, the Frys!! Thanks so much for taking time to see us, my kids and I had a blast just being with you.