Saturday, June 28, 2008

Mt. Rainier National Park

The latest outing to hit my blog is our trip to Mt. Rainier National Park (or as Leyton calls it - Mountain Rainier).  We took our kids and our niece and nephew on a little hike and had a blast. We also should have run out of gas, but thankfully a freak of nature happened and we were allowed to drive our vehicle for about 10 miles without any gas in it.  We filled our 15 gallon tank up with 16.8 gallons of gas for $4.53 per gallon just outside of the park...I'm not really sure how that works.  Needless to say we were in neutral a lot coming down the mountain! 

Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Jensen Clan

We are having a blast in Yakima with Grandma & Grandpa Jensen and our niece and nephew, Josh and Abby! I'll post more pictures next time of our house remodeling...if you have known us very long you know that anytime Jared's dad is in town we do major remodeling when he is here! Here are a couple of pictures of Leyton and Abby riding a horse at our senior pastor's house and a couple random pictures too.

If you want to take a look at video Jared made of our trip to Mt. Rainer National Park check his site:

Evie's new scowl face.

Cousins on our new back porch.

Abby & Shea the horse.

Leyton and Shea.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

A Little Camp Out

Here are some pictures from a couple weeks ago when we had a little camp-out with the Carlson family about 25 minutes from our houses. Great campsite little creek that was raging because of the snow melt in the mountains. We cooked up some food on the campfire and let the boys dig in the dirt. Good times had by all.

Leyton & Ethan

Ethan, Leyton & Issac

Daddies & Kids

Friday, June 6, 2008

Third Birthday and Cousins!

Well, we now have a three year old in the house! Exciting and heartbreaking all at once. I'm sure most of you know just what I mean. He's getting to be such a big boy in more ways than one (he's a hulk for his age and now he's getting to be such a little man!).

Some of his favorite saying lately are pretty funny:
- "What is the plan?" (asked immediately after waking up in the morning about the plan for the day)
- "Shaggat" (just a funny made up word he yells when he is excited)
- "How are you feeling?" (asked many timed during the day to just check in with everyone)
- "Oh, I'm sorry about that, I didn't mean to bump you" (when he accidentally bumps into you)
- "Probably" (used in many different situations, apparently I use that word a lot...)
- "I was crying for you" (when he cried for me and I wasn't around, he tells me he cried for me)
- "Evie was crying for you" (telling me Evie has been crying for me)
There are so many more but I can't think of them right now. He is so sweet and fun to be around, I am so thankful for him being a huge part of our family! He is an amazing blessing from our Heavenly Father!

Here is a truck from my brother.
Corey found this truck and refinished it for Leyton! So cool!
Here is his barn birthday cake! He really liked it!

Also, my brother and his family came to visit us last weekend and we had a blast hanging out with them and their three kids. It's amazing how cousins know they are cousins...not just friends. Sort of funny to see them together, it's going to be fun to see them grow up together and how their friendships develop. Good stuff.

I'm pretty sure Evie was eating rocks in this picture...

Evie & Issac


Esther (aka - don't call me Esther-Bester any more).