Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Summer Travels

Oh...again thank you to the five people who read this blog!  I love reading yours and keeping up with your families, so hopefully I can catch you up on what we've been doing this summer.

We took a 1500 mile trip to South the car.  Yes, that is 3 days there and 3 days back.  As in and total of 6 days in the car with 3 small kids.  We survived and it was great until the last day in the car and things started to break down.  The trip was great though and we are thankful for the chance to see where Jared's parents are in there new house in the Black Hills.

Here are a couple pictures of our adventures.

Washington - swung by the Koethke's new pad, love it!

After passing by Washington, Idaho & Montana's signs we decided
 to stop, while Cora was sleeping and of course 
she promptly woke up the second we were out of the car.  
But...the trip must go on.

 Leyton getting in some good target practice at G&G Jensen in the Black Hills.

 A wonderfully restored one room school house in South Dakota -
 I love this kind thing!  Can you say Little House on the Prairie!?!

 Mt. Rushmore

Sitting Bull Crystal Caverns.  Jared and I went here 14 years ago, 
it was so fun to take the kids.  It's an amazing cave over 300 feet deep!  

 Leyton's souvenir from the trip, a wooden gun from Deadwood, SD.


Anonymous said...

Love it! 6 total days traveling?! Your hero status has just been elevated!:)

Unknown said...

Very sad your trip did not stop in Yak, but love seeing your pics!'re crazy! :o)

Unknown said...

Oops...the unknown person is Jill!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a fun trip. Six days in the car....I'm impressed. That in itself was an adventure! I loved the pictures of the restored one room school house. It sounds like you & the kids had a great time.

Aunt Devonne

Becky said...

Who are those big kids in all the pics?!? Crazy how fast time flies! Everyone looks wonderful. Hope you are all well!

The Chargualaf Family said...

Fun catching up on your family pics and adventures! Great pics of the kids, Christi! They are getting so big. Loved the one room schoolhouse---I am a FAN of "old" places like that as well! Great shot of Leighton in the field w/ his gun... What a gorgeous place!
God bless you guys! : )