Sunday, January 10, 2010

Family Photo Session

Here are a few pictures to share from our family photo session today. It's always hard to get pictures of fast moving targets (a.k.a. kids) but here is what did turn out. Note: Evie is more of a moving target, so not many of her turned out. Always fun to bust out the camera and see what happens.


Tyffany said...

So great Christi!

Anonymous said...

Very fun and cute!

Anonymous said...

Sorry Christi...forgot to sign my name on the last comment.

Aunt Devonne

Anonymous said...

Is it the camera that makes these pictures so good? Or the subject?

Trish said...

Nicely done!

Anonymous said...

Love, love, love the pics Christi! Great job!
~Sista C

The Chargualaf Family said...

So cute, Christi!! Those pictures turned out great!! Nice work! :0)

5 Cougs said...

Love the pic of you and Leyton! He looks like such a little man!