Monday, June 15, 2009

Sowing and Reaping

We had our first official 'garden harvest' of the season this mornings during our time in the garden. We pulled a lot of radishes and turnip greens today which was fun. I need to figure out a good recipe for turnip greens, which I think you can treat like spinach but I need to do some recipe searching.

I must say, one of my favorite things about gardening and digging in God's earth is the way you see sowing and reaping in real, tangible ways. This is a principle I've been reminded of in the task of parenting lately. What the Lord (sometimes through us as parents) sows in the hearts of our children will be harvested later, whether it's a harvest we as parents will be honored by or not.

I enjoy the quick 'harvest' time as a parent, just like I enjoy the quick harvest of our early summer/spring veggies. I really love the times when I work with our kids on a certain issue and I see the results quickly...I'm not as motivated by the long haul issues, but I must press on and work toward the bigger goal in parenting our kids - children who live lives to glorify the Lord.

Being in God's creation is so good, because I think He has many lessons for us if we open our eyes to His world and take the time to enjoy His creation...even if it's just in a little backyard garden!


Aunt Susan said...

Thanks for sharing your thoughts & pictures Christi.

5 Cougs said...

Can't believe you got stuff already! That was fast!

The Pichura Family said...

Your garden looks GREAT!!! And I agree with you about all the lessons we can learn through God's creation! The analogy of our sin being like weeds has never been so real to me as it has planting a garden for the first time this year! :)

The Chargualaf Family said...

Yum!! Those radishes look GREAT! Get me a salt shaker and a handful of those and I would be very happy... :0)