Monday, March 16, 2009

Piggies and sewing projects

First real pigtails for Evie, just had to post!

Getting the cheesy smile down.

They are getting to be such good friends!  I love it!

Now...on to the crafty stuff.

Purse I made for myself, Amy Butler 'frenchy' bag.  Very fun, thanks Trish for lending me the pattern!

Gotta love this fabric, also Amy Butler.  Can you tell I love Amy Butler?

Shower gift for Tyffany's new baby.  A little "L" for her name and some clips to match.  What kinda gift would it be without some hair clips.  A girls gotsta have hair clips to match!  


Kerri said...

Love the purse and the kids! =) Too cute!!!!

Christie Darago said...

So cute! Can't believe how big your kids have gotten. And the purse, so good! You're a pro!

Elissa said...

How are your kids that big already? They are so cute! I love Evie's piggies. The purse is adorable, too. :)

The Jeffersons said...

Love those cute little kids - they look like they really enjoy eachother! Way to go on the Amy Butler purse!!!