Last week we took a little family trip to the Oregon Coast and visited the camp we used to work at, Twin Rocks Friends Camp, and had a blast! We stayed at the camp that we used to work at in Rockaway Beach at the ocean front family cabins that they have. We also got to hang out with my aunt and uncle who work at the camp, which was great to see them! It was wonderful and we are hoping to make it an annual trip for our family. Here are a few pictures of our trip.
Neahkahnie Mountain about 15 mins north of where we used to live. There are legends of buried treasure on this mountain! We didn't happen to find any though.

Leyton giving his 'camera' face in front of the Twin Rocks. her new strawberry hat from Cannon Beach and her big girl teeth!
Here is Leyton feeding the seagulls.

Hiking down Neahkahnie Mtn. to the ocean cliffs with certain death surrounding you. Seriously. If you've never been to the coast (my midwest friends) this is typical...pine trees, mountains and ocean views. Love it!

Our sweet smilin' Evers-McGevers. She is just so happy, fun and sweet when she is not being bugged to death by her big brother.
awesome!!!!! i think i drooled on the keyboard.
Ahhhh, the Oregon coast! There's just nothing like it. I'm glad to see that you guys had a good time!
~Heather Phillips
Gotta love the Oregon Coast, we need to make a big group trip. We were able to do it last year and it was a blast! Maybe this year would be a fun excursion too! The "camera face" Leyton gives is adorable!
Beautiful pictures! Looks like you guys had a great time! =)
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