After 10 years, we finally got to hang out with our dear friends from college who were in our wedding (best man and bridesmaid). We all went to college together and unfortunately we live in different countries and getting to see each other is difficult, but we had a blast hanging out with them! THANK YOU for coming out of your way to see us!!!
AAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!! I am sooo jealous!!!! I didn't know you guys were getting together!!!! Lucky bums!!!! Phil and I were both happy to see you all together on these pictures, but very sad as well knowing you were having such a great time without us. Boo. Oh well, it's our turn next to come and see you. Hmmmm, we're going to BC this summer, may have to extend that. :) You have such cute kids BTW!!! Love you and miss you guys.
It was so great to see you guys!! Hopefully it will happen again real soon! Thanks for having us, it was like 10 years never passed, just good ol' hanging out again! To have life long friends like you guys in our lives is a great blessing! Thanks! Love you! Camie & Sam
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