There aren't many things that mark the passing of time like the growth in children and it's simply a privileged to be apart of. This past month our son turned FIVE, Jared entered his mid-30's, I solidified my place in my early 30's and we had our 12th wedding anniversary! A month of milestones and some reflecting of what God has done in our family in the past few years.
Over the past 5 years, life at the Jensen house has gotten more complicated (in good and challenging ways) and also significantly richer. What started out as one precious little premature baby, has now grown into two children who play princess and knight together and love each other dearly (the majority of the time).
I'm so thankful for my hubby who has been there through thick and thin! What an amazing 12 YEARS we've had so far! Can't wait to see what the next 12 will hold.
A Day of Independence for the Republic
2 months ago