Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Going to Press

Not long ago we read about a family who would take a family picture for their annual Christmas card. Well, the family had a handful of kids and after awhile they realized that taking a family picture that was presentable was pretty challenging. So, they came to the decision that whatever picture was taken, good or bad, was the facts and that was what was going to press for that year.

So, here is our 'fun times' picture that happened not long ago. Some days are just like that though. :-)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Holy Ice Cream Deal!

So, here was my deal today! Wow. This was a fun one!

4 Sara Lee pies (3 pumpkin, 1 apple)
4 Breyers Ice Cream (our secret weakness is Breyers Rocky Road)

Retail/sale price - $ 51.12
My out of pocket price - $0 .78 CENTS!!!

Here was my deal @ Albertsons :
BUY: 1 Sara Lee pie(6.39) and get 1 more pie free AND 2 Breyers Ice Cream FREE!
- 5.00 Catalina coupons from last weeks Albertsons promo (I had 2 of these)
.39 cents!!


If you didn't have the Catalina that I had, your deal would be 5.39 which is still a smokin' deal! There is also a Breyer's Ice Cream coupon online (-1.00/2), but I couldn't get it to print for the life of me. If you want to do this deal, I'd get there fast the shelves will clear pretty quick.

Friday, November 6, 2009

My Kids Are Getting Huge

I was looking at some recent pictures and it struck my that my kids are getting huge. Evie is such a little girl and getting to be such a great talker! She is starting to say such giant sentences that we can understand nearly 90% of what she is saying! It's always fun to understand your kids. :-)

Leyton is loosing his little boy face and beginning to look and act more and more like a little boy. Recently he's done a few things that have been really hard to watch him do because it is making me realize my first born baby is getting more and more independent and more capable of doing big-boy things all on his own. It's wonderful and heart breaking at the same time.

Farming with Grandpa and the cousins.

Overalls at Grandpa & Grandma's house.


Thursday, November 5, 2009

Life As We Currently Know It.

As some of you know we are in the midst of major life change again. No, I am not joking, I am serious...again. Jared had found a great job doing landscape stuff here in Yakima and was really loving the physical work and doing a job where he could actually SEE what you are doing in a tangible way and then poof...the job was gone. Nuts. Suddenly his boss couldn't afford to keep him with some of his clients needing to scale back on their services.

So, praise God Jared had already been pursuing a few church leads prior to this happening and already had some visits with churches lined up. Sadly, we just made a trip to Kansas City and after learning more about the church Jared had to decline that job offer. That was a big disappointment because we would have loved living in KC, Kansas for a lot of reasons.

Please pray for us, as we head into a few weeks of definite unknowns and uncertainties in many every area of our lives! Our house is on the market and that is of course a slow process right now. We are trusting in the Lord that His timing will work out and we will be able to look back and see how His sovereign hand was moving in our lives - regardless of whether is will be an easy road for us or not.

We will be heading to a church in Atlanta in a few weeks (literally the opposite side of our nation) and we are hopeful and anxious about that trip. Not the location that we would hand pick for our family, especially with little kidos, but we are willing and ready to move if that is what God calls us to do. Pray that we would have the strength and joy to do whatever God has for us next.