Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Setting Sun

I've made a special effort this summer to catch as many sunsets as I can and I am loving it. Who takes the time to watch God's sun set on the horizon at night? I'll answer that! We cannot see Mt. Rainier from our deck, but one of the little 'bumps' on our horizon is the peak of Rainier, so I like to pretend I watch the sun set on Rainier!

Here is one of the sunsets from our deck that was rockin' my world this week. Our God is amazing folks. No question. Here is a very familiar passage, Isaiah 45:5-7 to remind me/us that our Father in heaven is greater and bigger than we can even hope to imagine. The sun rises and sets to declare to us that He is God and to call us back to Him and remind us our need for Him. Crazy stuff.

5 I am the LORD, and there is no other;
apart from me there is no God.
I will strengthen you,
though you have not acknowledged me,

6 so that from the rising of the sun
to the place of its setting
men may know there is none besides me.
I am the LORD, and there is no other.

7 I form the light and create darkness,
I bring prosperity and create disaster;
I, the LORD, do all these things.

Start Typing

You may have already seen this video, if not watch it, it's six minutes long.

We The People Stimulus Package

If you already watched it and didn't do anything...join me! Do something! Both of my senators and congressmen will receive a letter from me later this week.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Taking Joy

I was recently listening to an audio sermon series by Douglas Wilson, Loving Little Ones, which has been so wonderful and life giving to the task of raising kids. During one of his sermons he talks about taking great joy in your children and acknowledging that they are the cutest and sweetest little kids in your life. Often I find myself, as Christian parents, trying to 'control' our kids and have them on their best behavior 24/7. But I'm learning to take a step back and relish in the simple beauty and joy of the good gifts our Father has given us in our kids. In his series Wilson gives a great balance of structure, allowing kids to be kids, training up our children and understanding their position in the Lord, which is so stinkin' refreshing it's nuts!

So, in that spirit here are the cutest and biggest blessing in our lives doing their thing.

Digging in their little garden.

INTENSE guitar playing.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

What's This Two Day Weekend Stuff?

As some of you know, my hubby recently resigned from his position at our church. After wrestling for several years with some doctrinal issues, he came under some convictions that forced him to part ways with our church several months ago. Through all of this Jared decided he was ready for a break from leading worship and has found a new job (praise and glory to God in this economy), and we actually go to church as a family now! It's crazy! For the first time in nearly nine years I now travel to church in a car with my husband and for the first time our kids get to worship on the Sabbath with their dad!

Another perk...we get a two day weekend! So, here are some pictures of our most recent THREE day weekend excursion into the beautiful South Cascades over Independence Day.