Friday, September 10, 2010

Training for a little run

I've talked the talk long enough. I'm finally running and training for a 5k (oh-so-short to many people, but good enough for me).

I looked around and found the most interesting run I could find, The Cannon Beach Benefit Run 5k/10k. I'll be doing it on October 3rd and it's a race that happens on the beach...not to shabby I'd say. I don't think a benefit run gets more scenic than that!

If you are in the area and want to join me let me know. A dear friend from Yakima is going to run with me, and the more the merrier!


The Chargualaf Family said...

Wow---what a GREAT place to run! I sincerely wish I could join you, as I have also been prepping for a 5K (for this coming Sunday, that I've since had to cancel)...
But traveling the distance with a 2month old might be more work than the fun I would have!

Have fun, and good for you for running!! You go, Christi! :0)

Greta said...

Have fun, Dad and I are proud of you for getting out and doing this! Love Ya, MOM

Trish said...

Can't wait...super excited about this one...about as excited as I think one can, or really should, get about running. ;)

Bevy said...

I am going to be at Twin Rocks this coming weekend for a women's retreat. It would be fun to see you run.

Aunt Bev